As we all know about that many of the electronics devices nowadays use microprocessor.. A microprocessor is simply an IC (integrated circuit)that contains the entire central processing unit of a computer on a single. As all of know about Computers now, we also know that there is a processor(microprocessor) in CPU of our Computer. As most of us know only two Microprocessor manufacturing companies Intel and A.M.D(Advanced Micro Devices). But other companies like Motorola, VIA, Microchip etc also manufacture several range of microprocessors...
Now talking about the History of Microprocessor, we must not forget to thank Intel Inc. for its outstanding contribution in the field of technology since mid of 20th century. Intel Inc. was the first to manufacture Microprocessor. Actually what had happened is: Intel got orders from a Japanese electronics company 'Busicom' to manufacture some chips to be used in automated calculator. For that manufacturing project, a meeting was conducted where Intel's Engineer Ted Hoff proposed-"We are to manufacture variety of chips so instead of manufacturing several chips, Can't we manufacture a single chip that would do all the tasks of those several chips?" This line created a huge difference in the history of electronics. So honoring Er. Hoff's statement, Intel started manufacturing the first microchip which was lateral called as Microprocessor. Then at November 15,1971, Intel manufactured world's first Microprocessor and named it Intel 4004. It was a 4 bit microprocessor. It had about 2300 transistors and of clock frequency 740KHz. Now after that a series of microprocessors were manufactured.
After the success of Intel 4004, Intel manufactured Intel 4040 which was a slightly improved version of Intel 4004 in the same year 1971. Now in 1972, another Microprocessor was manufactured named as Intel 8008. This was a 8-bit microprocessor. then more other 8-bit microprocessors named Intel 8080 (in April 1974), Intel 8085 (in March 1976) were manufactured. Intel 8085 was the most upgraded 8-bit microprocessor. It had clock frequency of 3 MHz. Again Intel Inc. upgraded its microprocessor to 16-bit and the first 16-bit microprocessor was Intel 8086. It was introduced in June 8, 1978. And then other 16-bit microprocessors Intel 80186, Intel 80286 were manufactured with more improved technology.
Now it was time for Intel Inc. to produce 32-bits microprocessor. It was Intel 80386 introduced in October 17, 1985 which was the first 32-bit microprocessor. And other microprocessor of 32-bit Intel 30486 was introduced in 1989. At this race of success of Intel's microprocessor it got legal problem in using the numbers as its microprocessors name. So from 1991 to now it is using name different names as Microprocessors name. And then other 32-bit processor like Pentium(in March 1993), Pentium Pro (in 1995), Pentium II (in 1997), Celeron (in 1998), Pentium III (in 1999), Pentium II and III Xeon (in 1999), Pentium IV (in 2000 ), Pentium M, Intel Core, Intel Dual Core, Intel Core 2 Duo, Intel Atom(advanced Core 2 Duo), Intel i3, Intel i5 and now Intel i7 are introduced.
But one more processor Intel Itanium followed by Itanium II was also introduced in 2001. This is the only 64-bit microprocessor developed by Intel. Since it is used in very high speed Super Computers, it is rarely found.
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